20 things That Makes me Happy - A Not So Secret Life

20 things That Makes me Happy

November 27, 2015

Happiness - a simple word, yet, a difficult one to achieve, especially if you get caught with daily doses of hassles and anxieties. But how to achieve happiness? They say that Happiness is a state that epitomizes by having a purposeful and meaningful life. . How we perceived things around us always has an impact on our life.

I'd thought I'd make a list of  things that makes me happy. I find it really useful, jotting down the things that makes you happy at the end of a hectic day will divert your thoughts positive.

20 Things That Makes Me Happy :

1. God
2. Adventure with Friends 
3. Travelling 
4. Dressing up
5. Comfort Eating
6. Good weather
7. The Thought that Christmas is coming
8. Chocolate
9. Listening to my favorite Song
10. Late night skype calls with my boyfriend
11. Sweet texts
12. Weekends
13. Long Sleep
14.My pet dog
15.My parents
16. Memories
17. Good dreams

How about you? what are the things that makes you happy? share your lists on the comment box below

Hat and dress: Oasap
Shoes: Zalora.ph

Photo credit: Francis Melocoton

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10 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Lala I like your outfit... great color and pattern xox

    What makes me happy... the freedom to do things I want to... and I totally agree writing them down centers us more and reminds us of our blessings xox

  2. great pics, such a pretty dress , perfect for fall
    Keep in Touch

  3. Beautiful post and photos!
    You look so pretty! Love your dress!

  4. Yay! For many things that makes you happy! I hope you keep in touch!

    Qing's Style

  5. I love this list of things that make you happy! I also love dancing, good dreams, my pet (but it is a cat not a dog) and etc....

    you look divine in that tartan dress!


  6. What a lovely list. And sweet outfit to match!

    District of Chic

  7. Hello, Nana!

    I really appreciate your visit on my blog. It's nice to meet Filipina bloggers like me.

    I like your outfit. It suits the season and will definitely be great for Christmas. Haha! :) I'll keep in touch. :)

    XOXO Sylden


  8. love the style and make up! very grungy <3

