I Got Time - A Not So Secret Life

I Got Time

May 16, 2014

Ei ladies today I'm gonna talk about my recent new item I got from
 Born Pretty Store, maybe to some of you're already familiar with this store, but to some who haven't stumbled in this online store, let me give you a little info about it. 

Born Pretty is an online global retail website that delivers products directly to consumers around the world. BornPrettyStore offer consumers for a wide selection of nail art products at a very low price. Their core categories are Nail Arts, Makeup, Jewelry and Watches.
As for my choice, I got this Roman Numeral mark Bracelet/Wrist Watch. The reason I chose this because of its sleekness at the same time it could goes with almost any outfit. 
Gold and Silver is a really nice combination, the strap is durable, it's made of leather and alloy  and you can only get this for only $7.99!!

The second one is this sleek cat necklace. I know I'm a dog lover but I can't refuse this charming cat. Can you? This one is only $1.99!! a real steal! 

And this is the outfit I wore with it. As much as possible I wore less accessories to draw attention towards the watch. Blue is something that I would wear with Gold and Silver.

By the way this off the shoulder top is from Ripples by Jenny, the skirt is an upcycled.

Grab the Look:

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17 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Love your watch :)

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. Lovely watch!


  3. Love that watch, so classy and pretty!


  4. Lovely! I'm following it! I hope you like mine myspilledcupoftea.blogspot.com.es

  5. Your outfit is sweet on you Nana... love it.. what a really great choice of color for you... :)

    I hope you have a really great weekend :)

  6. Hi beautiful,
    I was just browsing through & stumbled upon your lovely blog - It looks gorgeous and it has interesting posts that I can relate to. I'm now following you via gfc, keep in touch love x

    Benish | Feminist Reflections

  7. watch is gorgeous, love your too, followed you on GFC I hope you follow back to keep in touch

  8. Hey you´ve a great blog! Please check out mine.
    And if you want we can follow each other here, on bloglovin and via GFC?
    Let me know, now it´s your turn!

  9. Hey you´ve a great blog! Please check out mine.
    And if you want we can follow each other here, on bloglovin and via GFC?
    Let me know, now it´s your turn!

  10. Such a beautiful watch so pretty
    You look great dear
    Keep intouch

  11. beautiful skirt!


  12. Olá,Nana
    Um relógio muito bonito!
    Um beijinho
