My 1st Sunshine Award - A Not So Secret Life

My 1st Sunshine Award

December 09, 2013

My first sunshine award thank you Jackie for this beautiful award. So before anything else Jackie is the blogger behind the blog Beautify Jackie Harrison you should check out her blog. She is a very amiable and sweet person =)

Sunshine Award is an award passed on by bloggers to fellow bloggers who in one way or another inspire them. 

The Rules- - 
-You have to post a picture of the Sunshine Award in the blog post.
- Post 11 random facts about yourself.
- Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
- Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers.
- Write 11 questions for them to answer.
- Also let the bloggers you nominated know you have nominated them.

11 Facts about myself:
1. I love going to thrift shops and flea markets
2. I'm a stamp collector, pocket book collector, doll collector etc. Etc.
3. I have a very sensitive eyes. That is why eye makeup is a big No no for me
4. I don't like wearing lipsticks.
5. I don't like wearing pants
6. Addicted to planners/Organizers
7. I love writing fictional stories but never really finish them 
8. I'm a cookie monster
9. I love dogs
10. Very Impatient (lol)
11. A certified Pinkie

Question From Jackie:
  1. 1- What do you prefer to do on Christmas open gifts or give gifts? Both =)
    2- Party invitation you prefer to wear Dress or pants? Dress
    3- What designer you will like to model for? Anna Sui
    4-  A model you wish you were? I'd say Adriana Lima
    5-What do you consider your worst day? Stressful Hectic day
    6- When  you go on a date do you prefer Movies or bowling? Movies
    7- Which will you like to have as a view Mountains or Beach? Beach
    8- Favorite lip balm? Maybelline Baby Soft Lips
    9- Which do you prefer Restaurant or Homemade Food. Homemade Food
    10- The holiday drinks Egg Nog or Champagne? Eggnog
    11- From all you blogger followers who will you like to meet? All of them =) 

 Beyoutiful Hope
 Fashion Coolture
 Letters from Launna
 Being Beautiful and Pretty
 Brewing Happiness
 There is No secret Here
 Cassie Thriftier
 The Clothes Horse
 Amy Fashion

Don't Forget to Join OASAP International Giveaway HERE end date will be on Dec. 12, 2013. Get a chance to win $50 and $30 shopping credits from OASAP. 

Thank you for dropping by =)

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10 Sweet Thoughts

  1. We have one thing in common, im also addicted to planners! Congrats on your award! ;)

  2. sounds like the Liebster award! congrats on that!'
    hope we can follow each other since we're both fashion bloggers

  3. You are invited to take part in my International giveaway sponsored by Dressale.
    (2 winners will get a $30 voucher)

    Enter Here: http://beauty-fulll.blogspot.com/2013/12/win-30-voucher-of-dressale-2-winners.html

  4. awww congratz babe! You deserved this :)


  5. Congratulations! Another award for you <3

  6. You so well deserve this award Congratulation cool blog thanks for the kind words doll.

  7. Congrats, Thank you so much for giving me this award.

  8. Awesome blog!!
    Can we follow each other via gfc bloglovin and g+?


  9. Donna Granada
    Muitos parabéns.
    Continuação de uma boa semana.

  10. congrats on the award and thank you for nominating me <3

