Very Inspiring Blogger Award - A Not So Secret Life

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

August 27, 2013

A huge hug and thanks to Christine of Beyoutiful Hope for nominating me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award it is such an honor to receive this. =)

I always feel delighted every time I receive an award because I felt like everything pays off - the late night blogging, the brainstorming, and of course not to mention the endless photo shooting. And I am very happy to know that in one way or another my blog has inspired other people.

So Thank you So Much =)

Very Inspiring Blogger Award 
  1. Display the award logo
  2. Link back to the person that gave it to you
  3. State 7 things about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 bloggers for this award with their links.

7 Things About Me:
1) I am a cookie Monster
2) I am in love with Japanese fashion
3) I always keep a "Someday" bucket lists
4) I love taking pictures and hope to become an excellent photographer someday
5) I have an online shop Vanita Sorella which I manage together with my 2 sisters
6) I am an impulsive buyer 
7) I easily get stress =(

Blogs That Are "Keeping The Blogsphere a Beautiful Place":
These are blogs I often love reading because they have inspired me one way or another.



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9 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Thank you very much nana. I am so honoured.

  2. Thank you for your coment :)
    yes it is a good idea :) You can follow me :) and I will follow you :)
    You're friendly! it's good! :)

  3. Congratulations! Love your blog. I'm following you. :) Would you like to follow me back? I'm waiting for new post. Kisses :*
    Visit me: Fashion blog What is in the hat? KLIK!/Bloglovin

  4. Thank you so much for your comment dear!

    Of course we can follow each other :D Just let me know when you do and i will follow you back! :)

    And what about other social media?

    Facebook / Instagram /Twitter / Chicisimo

     - Hannah's Heels

  5. Hi what a cute nice blog honey you have.....My name is Marie I am a Blogger based in italy and I was wandering if we could follow each other GFC bloglovin
    Let me know I will follow back as always! Love Marie.

    Join giveaway with Romwe on www.mariezamboli.com

  6. Thank you so much for the nomination. It's a great honour! ^^

    Irene Gm.
    Trending Game / Facebook / Bloglovin / Instagram / Chicisimo
