At The Crossroads - A Not So Secret Life

At The Crossroads

August 25, 2013

I was inspired by the sermon at the church yesterday and it drives me to write this post. Because lately I am also trailing a lot of crossroads and I am sure some of you are also in the verge of choosing which road to take and yeah picking the right road is tough especially if you do not know where that road leads to. 

In life we can encounter a lot of crossroads and most of the time we will lose the will to choose the right track until we find ourselves lost, scared and struggling. Why these happen?  Because we tend to take matters in our own hands yet we do not have faith in our hearts. We only choose because we need to choose for fears that we might not able to obtain the things that we need to have and to do.  We always succumb to the fear of an unknown future and that triggers us to make decisions that later we regret doing. We do not have faith and we fail to contemplate God’s Words and ask for his assistance. The fears in our hearts will left us restless and stagnant.

But God left us with 3 Creeds to live by which also becomes my credo now. The words are too powerful and inspiring.

1. Fear Not - yes we need to dismissed our fears its the only way we will be able move forward. God said we will never be alone at the crossroads "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. " Deuteronomy 31:6 

2. Stand Still - we need to calm down, let go and  let God take the wheel.  "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. " Exodus 14:13

2. Go Forward -with out fear because the Lord will fight for you. To go forward implies patience, faith and trust.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."Proverbs 3:5-6

and according to Mrs. Ellen G.White: We have nothing to fear for the future except we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and his teachings in the past history.

Thank you for the visit and taking time reading my blog. I hope that God's creed would fill you with hope as much as it filled me =)

P.S full gratitude to my beau for such a wonderful captures.. It did fit perfectly to the write-up.
I also feel blessed because we we're given a sunny day during the shoot and when we are on our way home it started to rain sooo hard. A big Hug to God =)


Sheer Dress: Shoppaholic Baguio
Sandals: Local Philippine Store
Aviator: Rayban
Denim Chaleco: Thrifted



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21 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Love your Look!!! Nice Pics!!!


  2. wow! you loook very great!:))) amazing!

  3. This us such a beautiful post, i will always remember each and every word of it.. Will keep calm and let god turn the wheel ...
    U look pretty.. Loved the pic in which ur sitting..

    Keep in touch,

  4. your look is amazing, simply love it (:

  5. Hello. You have a lovely blog. I follow you. I hope you follow me back. Thanks you


  6. zaobserwowałam i czekam na rewanz ♥ śliczny blog


  7. Love maxi black dress + denim vest combo <3 !

    Yes, I'd love to follow each other. I'm following you by GFC, facebook, instagram and chicisimo! Waiting for you now. See you there pretty! ;D

    Irene Gm.
    Trending Game

  8. Thank you for commenting my blog! I am following you via gfc and bloglovin! Hope you'll do the same!

  9. The dress looks stunning and love the whole casual look
    My Lyfe ; My Story
    @MyLyfeMyStory ♥ ♥

  10. Hi!
    I love your blog.
    Just wanted to ask, would you like to follow each other (GFC, bloglovin, FB)?
    Please let me know, I will follow back immediately.


  11. hey i love this look!

    thanks for the comment on my blog, of course i want to follow eachother! i've already followed,just waiting on you!


    -Demi x x x

  12. im in love with that denim vest
    is gourgeous!
    thanks for stopping by in my blog, im definetely following you

  13. Just perfect!! :))

    I would like to invite you on my fanpage'a <3

  14. This is one of my fave looks for summer-maxi dress with denum jacket.


  15. This is very encouraging & a reminder that God is in control if we trust in him. Love the outfit too


  16. love everything about this!

    xx fameliquorlove.blogspot.com
