Be Real Not Perfect - A Not So Secret Life

Be Real Not Perfect

April 11, 2013

It is an irony of life where everyone expects every soul to be perfect in every way. Perfection has become a gradual desire in every human being. It becomes so intense that at times one can’t determine what’s real and what’s not anymore. People have lost their sense of reality, their uniqueness and their love for one’s self. Every girl desires to be like the perfect cover girl, etc. 

I would never deny the fact that I have aspired for perfection. Perfect hair, perfect face, perfect skin, and perfect life.  But in the end it became disappointing when none of it was attained. So, today I'am embracing the imperfection in me. So who cares if i sometimes get frizzy-dry hair, undying eye bags and bloated tummy what is important is I get the chance to wake up everyday and savor life itself. =)

                                        For my OOTD I opted for a classic with a modern twist.. 

My hair is misbehaving today plus the summer heat is so intense that i don't want to let my hair down.
So i came up with this hair do  since i don't want the typical boring up-do.. I did a back braid then twist it on the side, secured with a bobby pin above my head and for a sweetie touch i added a stud ribbon. lol

I really love the lacey, frilly top. screams classic!

You were born to be real, not to be perfect.

Top: Thrifted
Denim: Thrifted
Shoes: gift

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the chance to win Candy Cosmetics from Allue

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6 Sweet Thoughts

  1. Cute outfit! Perfect for summer! Yes my hair skin and face misbehave often too! Thanks for the follow! I'm following you too!

  2. Sure. Over the years you learn to relax those concept. I agree and you're happier.
    A kiss.

  3. um is tired try to be perfect, is better be real!
    I love the blouse, and the lace in the shorts

  4. Nice outfit!

    -Victor x


  5. owww, i love your shorts!


  6. Cute top! :)

    xx MJ
